Calling All Lake Ann Bakers

Ye who possess the skill to conjure the most delightful of confections, the time has come to prove your worth! Whether your recipe has been passed down through the generations or is a marvel of your own invention, enter now for a chance to compete in the illustrious contest of Lake Ann’s Favorite Holiday Cookie. By lottery’s fair hand, ten fortunate bakers shall be selected to present their finest creation before the townsfolk, whose discerning palates shall crown the victor.

Submission Deadline: November 1, 2024

Rules & Expectations

  1. To participate, one must reside within the fair bounds of Lake Ann, for it is upon these shores that the spirit of the contest resides.
  2. Each baker shall be required to bake no fewer than seventy-five whole cookies, a most generous offering, which shall be delicately quartered, providing event guests with no less than three hundred sumptuous bites.
  3. Bakers may exercise complete freedom in their choice of cookie, be it a traditional family recipe or a delightful new invention, for the essence of the season is creativity and joy.
  4. Participants must agree to be interviewed and captured on film, that their story and culinary artistry may be shared with the broader public through the marvels of social media, spreading holiday cheer near and far.
  5. Each baker will be graciously reimbursed up to $100 for their ingredients, ensuring that neither cost nor circumstance shall hinder their participation in this grand competition.

Step Forth, O Worthy Baker!

Apply here to throw your apron into the ring.

Cookie Contestant
* All contestants must live in Lake Ann.
Contestants must agree to be interviewed and captured on film